First name, Last name * Date of Birth * Personal ID Code * Height (cm) * Weight (kg) * Workwear Size * —Please choose an option—4646-484848-505050-525252-545454-565656-585858-606060-626262-646464-666666-686868-7070 Shoe Size * —Please choose an option—3637383940414243444546474849 Education * —Please choose an option—Higher Master’sHigher Bachelor’sCollege DegreeProfessional QualificationSecondary EducationIncomplete Secondary Education Marital Status * —Please choose an option—SingleMarriedDivorcedWidow Children under 18 years old (name, surname, birth date) BSN Number Do you have a valid VCA certificate? * —Please choose an option—YesNo Last Two Employers (official employment only) * How did you hear about the MARGAMA position? Personal Mobile Phone Number * Select the apps you use * WhatsappViberNone Your Email * Emergency Contact * Residential Address * Declared Address (only enter if different from the residential address) Bank Account Number * Bank Name * Employment Status * I confirm that MARGAMA is my sole employerI am employed by another company Upload your ID (both sides) or passport * Please upload a clear image of both sides of your ID card or the main page of your passport. Upload your photo * Please upload a recent photo of yourself. Driver's License Upload if you have one. Medical Examination Upload a document if you have a valid medical examination. European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) Upload if you have one. If not, MARGAMA will order a new one for you free of charge. If you lost your valid card, a duplicate will be ordered, and a €17 fee will be deducted. BSN Issuance Document Upload if you have the document. VCA Certificate Upload if you have one. If you have passed the VCA exam but don't have the certificate, we can find the confirmation through the public certificate system. Other Certificates and Documents Upload any other valid certificates (e.g., SVWOH, DNV, Occupational safety, Cherrypicker, Crane, etc.), and other country-issued social insurance numbers (e.g., NISS (Belgium), TIN (Finland), D number (Norway), etc.) Accept terms and conditions from Margama. send message